
SoundPLANnoise - Spreadsheet and Graphics


el Miercoles, 9 de Abril 2025


09:00 Europe/Berlin

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Agenda del evento


All SoundPLAN users who need to produce more than an occasional report or presentation.


Structure of the expert table with receiver list and area table, structure lines, formulas, text variables and templates.
In the graphic: Object types (including 3D objects like trees and house roofs), symbol editor, facade noise map, linking of contents from the expert table, table flags, 3D graphics, sectional noise map, sheet components, sheet manager, plan sections, hiding of contents outside the examination area, animations.


  • Webinar
  • Language: English
  • 500 Euro/participant (without taxes)
  • 1 day (06.06.2023 09:00-17:00)
  • Limited to a maximum of 4 participants
Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received. SoundPLAN will check and confirm your registration before your spot for the webinar is reserved. The general terms and conditions for booking of seminars, courses, conferences, training courses and other SoundPLAN events apply. I also agree to the processing and storage of my data and have read the data privacy policy.